söndag 17 oktober 2010

Storing Your Sex Toys

A lot of people keep their sex toys under their bed and this is fine if you don't have children! Children like to play under their parents bed and snoop around and your menagerie of sex toys may be difficult to explain. A closet shelf or other such area would probably be the best place to store your toy box. A nightstand door would also be a suitable place to store your sex toy box because it's private, out of sight, and within reach so you can pull it out at a moment's notice. A closet that can be locked is a good place.

You can use any type of box or carton to store your sex toys in, but if it is plastic you will want to be sure that all of the toys are dry and clean when you put them in the box. As you probably know, plastic will retain the moisture and some of the synthetic materials, such as the fake skin type toys, will literally rot and be destroyed. Clean them well, if they start to mold, throw them away.

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