torsdag 28 oktober 2010

erectile dysfunction

A lot of men are concerned about impotence (erectile dysfunction) and the affect it will have on their performance and sex lives, but so are women. Loss of sex drive and impotence are very common in men as they age, and encouraging a conversation with a doctor can alleviate fears and shame, as there are many treatment options for this physical condition, and many ways to address mental issues. Stress is a key factor in a man's sexual health. The simple act of fearing that he may not be able to get an erection can in itself cause erectile dysfunction. When sexual partners are not on the same level as far as sexual desire goes, it is important to find ways to pleasure each other (manually or orally) when intercourse is not possible.

Keep in mind as well that erectile dysfunction (ED) does not just affect the man; it also affects the woman in the relationship. Many men enjoy active sex lives, and then as soon as one episode of ED occurs they become embarrassed to try and make love out of fear of letting their partner down. This results in the woman feeling unattractive and wondering what she did to cause her mate to stop making love to her. You can see the chain reaction here.

A majority of men tend to experience erectile dysfunction several times in their lives. For many men, after they reach the age of 65, impotence becomes an even more common and frequent occurrence. But it is not just older man, even teenagers can experiences erectile dysfunction when they will have sex for the first time, a mental blackout or nervous. Men experience changes in the ability to get and keep and erection as they experience changes in the rest of their bodies, which is all just part of growing older. To them, orgasms may not seem as strong as they once were and getting another erection afterward may take a while, if it is possible at all. There are several specific symptoms of erectile dysfunction: the inability to achieve a full erection, to maintain an erection during intercourse, or to even have an erection at all.

Erectile dysfunction is often caused by the mental aspect, and this is where the woman can easily contribute a helping hand. The level of arousal the man experiences often determines the quality of an erection. It is the mental portion of the equation that moves the nervous system to stimulate blood flow to the penis which gives the erection. When this delicate balance between the physical and mental facets of the erection process is disrupted, erectile dysfunction occurs. Providing a variety of arousing sensations for your man can be an integral part of solving the problem of ED.

Never feel as if you are all alone in a world of men who have great erections every time they want to. That's just not the way the world works, or male human bodies for that matter. Erections don't always occur when men want them to, and even then they don't last as long as one might have hoped. Some men may find getting an erection at all a problem sometimes. Just remember erectile dysfunction happens to all men, you are not alone, and treatment can help you get your love life back on track.

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